I was at church (The Lord's Cedar Parish RCCG) yesterday and the ministerial topic was marriage and the frequent sources of disagreements in marriages.
Marriage was defined as a covenant or an agreement ordained by God and recognized by the law, between two different individuals male and female to come together and live as one.
It was indeed a lively debate in church on Tuesday Digging Deep and a lot of the congregation offered a lot of contributions and like one of the speakers emphasized there is no one super formula for a successful relationship, marriage is a work in progress as both parties must remain committed to making the relationship happy and fulfilling.
Below is a summary of other key points that were raised during the program.
- In laws: Couples must balance priorities staying fair in granting privileges to both sides of the extended family members. Maintain some level of privacy and be weary of including parents and in-laws in private discussions.
- Money: As much as men are expected to provide for their family, where the need arises the woman may take over some financial responsibilities as required for the progress of the family.
- Trust: Both partners must earn and cultivate high trust levels in the relationship so do not go sneaking out of bed in the middle of the night to receive a phone call and expect her to trust you.
- Infidelity: The easiest way to destroy trust in any relationship.
- Children: Children are gifts from God so where a marriage is without children or with same sex children (all male or female) remember that all things always work out for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. Remain thankful, seek the face of God and stay hopeful.
- Respect: Respect is reciprocal however men by the nature of their position as the head of the family, would require a lot more respect from their spouses. Stay tuned to the needs of your partner.
- Communication: Effective communication, the need to be heard and understood is essential for a satisfying relationship. Share your feelings, be attentive to the needs of your partner even if at that point, it does not make any sense to you.
Like a roller coaster ride marriage has its ups and downs but with patience and loads of understanding both partners could sustain a happy and fulfilling marriage.....JCOG
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