Thursday 5 July 2018

Naija Why?

Why some fellow nigerians do not seem to value their lives, I may never know.

This truck was moving at night with a bad tyre (Extreme left on pics). Like seriously why? putting not only your life at risk but the life of other road users that could be affected if an accident occurs.

Lord have mercy!!!!!

Tuesday 3 July 2018

My Brother

My prayer for you this morning is that the Lord:

* Opens your eyes to the true meaning of success

* Convicts your understanding of the shame associated with failure

* Restores in you an excellent spirit

* Renews your mind on the consistent effort required to achieve success.

* Quicken your spirit to the battle you must win to succeed.

* Reveal to you any person/ habits limiting your success.

* Destroys any powers standing against your success and  victory.

* Awakens in you a passionate passion to be the best despite all odds.

* Reveals to you the true value of a man is not in his possessions but his ability to harness his knowledge and skills to acquire them.

* Softens your heart to feel the pain and disappointment caused each time you fail.

* Deletes every trace of failure and establishes you and your future generations  on a path of success now and forever more.

In Jesus mighty name Amen.
Good morning Brother