Saturday, 24 October 2015

Is he Justified?

Is he justified, has he been warning you about your poor cooking skills or consistently hinting at your poor performance in bedmatics, is your recent weight gain slowly turning him off, or has he told you a million times to quit with the nagging but you just won't listen.

Is your partner justified to cheat?

Friday, 23 October 2015

Do you like what you see?

Image result for mirror image

Fitness should not just be about exercise, should not just be about putting on the right gear and running twenty miles, or using the treadmill or exercise bike once a month. 
It has to be a way of life, from the food you eat, your daily routine, water/fluid intake, clothes you wear, and our overall physical appearance.

Food is definitely a big deal because as the saying goes "garbage in garbage out". Always have an alkaline food palette with plenty of vegetables, fiber and proteins. Limit the carbohydrates and saturated fats.
We need the energy yes, but in today's society where work is more mental than physical, all that unused energy/sugar is simply converted to fat and stored on your upper arms, belly and thighs etc. consequently the weight piles on.
I love my dessert and snacks so I usually skip breakfast (not good the doctors would say), a high protein and fiber dish for lunch and snacks for dinner.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Lies of adultery

So guys earlier I preached and now I want to break it down even further so let's take this topic home. The male dominated Nigerian society expects women to tolerate adultery, like a bug you just can not get rid off. What say you?

Ladies when I see those nasty text messages or (attempt at seduction) pics I speak up. When he persistently gets home late with no explanation I speak up.  When his phone rings and I sense the panic in his eyes as he ignores the call I speak up. 

Don't get me wrong speaking up does not have to be confrontational. I do not threaten to leave my home, oh no! That's too easy infact the reverse is the case let him know that the only way his getting out of this marriage is if he walked out himself. 

I ain't going nowhere, I just want you to know that i know you are cheating and it's wrong and unacceptable to me and it hurts.

Does that work? Maybe not immediately but the bar has been set and each time he makes that leap he knows his opportunity cost.

Tomorrow we look at the second perspective of lies of adultery.......JCOG

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

The lies of Adultery

Image result for adultery
Adultery has always been a tolerated evil in African Nigerian, evil because the Bible makes it quite clear that adultery is sin. In our present society it is often seen to be the lesser of two evils, the greater being Polygamy- marriage to more than one woman.Many a women are willingly to turn a blind eye to it as long as "he still caters for me and my children". The golden rule for cheating husbands has always been- avoid getting caught, what she does not know cannot hurt her, "after all I haven't brought another woman to the house yet".

I would like for us to consider adultery from two perspectives:
First the single lady dating a married man and subsequently the married woman having a sexual relationship with a married man (not her husband).

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


I can't help but give kudos to etisalat their ad campaign with commedian/actor Francis Odega is so captivating brings a smile to my face anytime I catch a glimpse of it on TV.