Saturday 24 October 2015

Is he Justified?

Is he justified, has he been warning you about your poor cooking skills or consistently hinting at your poor performance in bedmatics, is your recent weight gain slowly turning him off, or has he told you a million times to quit with the nagging but you just won't listen.

Is your partner justified to cheat?

What would you do having prepared well for an end of course evaluation, read the lecture notes and text book focused on key topics, only to realize looking at the exam paper that questions beyond the revision topics submitted by the lecturer were also included?....Cheat

I tell you what I would do I will give the paper my best shot, attempting as many questions as I can and sideline the rest.

Over the first few years of writing the exam called marriage, I observed one or two habits (topics) of my partner that we ignored or hardly addressed during courtship (revision) become more conspicuous and annoying. 
An example would be him relegating my birthday which I use to ignore as forgetfulness over time evolve into arguments on stingy husbands disrespecting their wives.

Would that justify my seeking out another man to fulfill that and any other needs he is unable to meet?

What say y'all...................JCOG

1 comment:

  1. Loss for words........... May the Lord God Jehovah's help all of us!
