Saturday, 20 August 2016

60 Days of Spiritual hiatus

Day 3 progresses am a little tense, how am I going to sit through this vigil. Vigils can be quite hectic, I feel bad for my team I won't be able to be of assistance to them.
But the Lords work will always be done for if men are unwillingly, the Lord will raise stones to praise him.
Hope I don't sleep off from being too comfortably sitted. 
Note to self: Put plenty of sweets in bag.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

60 Days of Spiritual hiatus (Day 2)

I struggled with being at service today, different thoughts run through my mind after all your presence/service is not particularly required. 

Is that why you were always there, to sustain the myth of being needed. Questions that may not have come if not this spiritual exercise. Questions that peel away the physical aspects of religion in a bid to expose the core of my belief.

60 Days of Spiritual hiatus

Day 1

Feels strange sitting down in church haven't done that in at least two years.

Mixed feelings run through me, shame, disappointment, anger, failure and pain but hope and peace comes knocking and I know am going to be okay.

Yes let's see when the opportunity to serve is taken away if the joy of salvation will remain, I have to remember I failed the first test must not fail this one. It is your work Lord and if you have destined that I let it be,then it must be for my spiritual growth and I must use it wisely, not grudgingly not in sorrow.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Prayer Lessness

Over the course of knowing and serving God, the Holy Spirit has revealed so much as I have learnt to first crawl and then walk the path of salvation. 

From time to time I hope to share these lessons with you.

A Life devoid of prayers is a landing pad for evil.

One sure move by the enemy to enable evil access the life of a child of God is to first weaken their prayer life.

When you cannot seem to get alone time with God, so busy in the morning or too tired at night, then sometime is definitely wrong. Wake up! Wake up from your spiritual slumber and fight Matt 26:40-41.
Fight for your soul is at stake.