The showbiz industry was again thrown into mourning on Tuesday following the death of a fast-rising actress, Bisi Komolafe. Many refused to initially believe the news which started trending online on New Year eve, especially as a similar story was erroneously reported on Friday by an online platform, claiming that a prominent actor was dead.
The truth about Komolafe, however, manifested when some of her colleagues confirmed the news. When our correspondent called cross-over actress, Foluke Daramola, she was all tears and when asked what was responsible for her weeping state, she said the industry had lost an actress, revealing her to be Komolafe.
There were speculations concerning how she actually died. While it was said that she was slightly sick, an online source said she died in the University College Hospital, Ibadan after suffering complications from a four-month pregnancy which resulted in a miscarriage.
Actress Lizzy Anjorin, who told our correspondent that she got wind of the news via the picture of the late actress displayed by some of her BlackBerry contacts, added that if it was true then it was a huge loss. She stated, ‘‘I had met her on set many times. She is a nice person, a very nice actress