Monday 31 December 2012

Family: We break up to make up

Its the holidays, and we all know that during this season , extended and nuclear families re-unite to spend time with each other, celebrating the high's and the low's of the past while looking forward to the future.  When families come together it could either turn out good, bad or ugly....... or as a matter of fact, a mixed cocktail.

Through the Christmas holidays i hosted my husband's family in my home, and it started out alright but eventually the claws came out and it got quite ugly, but as a family we stuck through the crises, mended our broken hearts and now..... it's all good. 

Anyway through the whole experience i picked up two important values that i want to share;
  • Any action by a loved one (the keyword here is LOVE) which subsequently overtime still generates in you a negative reaction or resolution should be addressed one on one between you and the individual involved. Effective communication is a strong foundation for understanding, forgiveness and healing.
  • Walking away might seem like the easiest option but it takes a lion heart to weather the storm and ride the waves till peace and calm is restored. Never walk away from family, they may not be there when you decide to come back.
Remember love endures all things.Season Greetings to all the families out there. Peace and Love...........JCGold.

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