Friday 23 October 2015

Do you like what you see?

Image result for mirror image

Fitness should not just be about exercise, should not just be about putting on the right gear and running twenty miles, or using the treadmill or exercise bike once a month. 
It has to be a way of life, from the food you eat, your daily routine, water/fluid intake, clothes you wear, and our overall physical appearance.

Food is definitely a big deal because as the saying goes "garbage in garbage out". Always have an alkaline food palette with plenty of vegetables, fiber and proteins. Limit the carbohydrates and saturated fats.
We need the energy yes, but in today's society where work is more mental than physical, all that unused energy/sugar is simply converted to fat and stored on your upper arms, belly and thighs etc. consequently the weight piles on.
I love my dessert and snacks so I usually skip breakfast (not good the doctors would say), a high protein and fiber dish for lunch and snacks for dinner.

Exercise should form part of your daily routine. You could either consistently commit time to the gym, or just integrate simple exercises into your work and personal life. Walk to the car park rather than follow the shuttle bus, use the stairs rather than the lift.
Take up a sport, football, table or lawn tennis, swimming that could also serve as bonding experience for you and your children, nephews or nieces over the weekend.
Walk, jog or run early in the morning or towards the evening whichever most suits your schedule. I personally use the exercise bike a least thrice a week and cycle 5-10 miles per session.

When athirst please reach for a glass of water, cut back on the soda, or alcohol. Rather than buy a pack of juice (probably loaded with sweeteners), get some fruits, eat whole or juice them yourself at home.

Stay stylish and pay attention to how clothes and trending designs fit you. I tell you fashion is a good motivator. One of the reasons I make sure I stay fit is so that I could wear the fashion trends that interest me. Ladies watch out for the tummy after having the babies (that is usually our number one nemesis), sit ups help build up the stomach muscle.

Finally keep a scale at home and take control of your weight.
Once every day I walk into my foyer, I take a good look at the mirror and I say to myself "Joyce do you like what you see"?


  1. Easier said Dan done..c as e sweet 4ya mouth
