Friday 12 October 2012

Wedding Budget

Finally the seventh step not to take, to have a STRESS FREE " I DO" DAY.

7. Do not over shoot your budget.

This piece of information is hinged on the fact, that all brides know that they must have a wedding budget. If you didn't, now am telling you before you start any wedding arrangements, in fact after you get engaged that is the formal acceptance to get married, the first thing you need to do, is to draw up a budget of how much you and your partner intend to spend on the wedding.
This cannot be over emphasized, even if you don't have the exact amount you need for the wedding, and like the typical African society you are expecting family members and friends to chip in to cover some expenses, just indicate on the budget who exactly is doing what, and leave it at that (but don't fail to raise the money and keep in one corner, my dear you never know the arm of flesh might fail thee). This budget will best guide financial discussions between you and your vendors/suppliers. 

However it is one thing to make a budget, and it is another to keep to the budget. My take is that you should not unduly run off your budget. You know why? If you overshoot the budget and spend all you and your partners savings on an elaborate wedding, to maybe satisfy your ego, friends and possibly family, then i dare say you just shot yourself on the leg.

You see after the wedding, as the sun sets, when the festivities are over everyone, friends and family alike will all go home, yeah they might sing praises about how wonderful your wedding was, see how big her cake was, aaahhh the decor was glorious, abeg did you see her gown, the food was divine, P-square nailed it with that song during the bridal dance e.t.c. and like the male peacock, your pride and head will be swollen, but still after all said and done, they will leave and you too will go home.
After the day is done, what happens next? Is the question every bride must ask herself. The answer "Life must go on". You have to move in with your partner into a home (am talking to the ladies now), which has to be furnished comfortably for you, your partner and your coming kids, a home that you must build, cherish and be proud of. Let's not forget that basic expenses like food, light, water, medical, phone, rent, transportation, clothing e.t.c will double cause there are two of you, and when you have kids, well be rest assured that it will quadruple. In LESSON SIX, i also explained why you should not bank or rely on monies to be made from the wedding, besides what happens if no one gives you an envelope. 

My advice is create a wedding budget, stick to your budget and don't fail to keep some money aside for life after the wedding.