Had an interesting experience this morning. I was at Ajah Market Lekki environ, had to shop for foodstuffs for the house. While shopping I ran out of funds, and walked over to an ATM machine nearby and patiently joined the queue. While waiting, i entertained myself with my phone and was quite engrossed in a game when i overheard increased chatter from behind. I looked back to observe, possibly with the intention of joining the conversation and i noticed three guys standing around with a rather petite lady in their midst.
You know how during a conversation, your eyes follows each speaker to catch their facial expressions as they talk animatedly. Well I observed that the men kept looking down below the facial elevation of the young lady in their midst as the conversation progressed. Curious i in turn, lowered my eyes to see what was below and behold a set of light skinned cleavage stared right back at me.
This lady had a low cut spaghetti top, and had her upper boobs on display. Men her bra was really good cause everything looked so firm, i felt sorry for the poor men. They really tried but each time she was speaking you would see them bravely stare at a face briefly but eventually their eyes would stray down to you know where.
Guys i don't know how you maintain your sanity in these supposedly liberated times but hang in there brothers, i can't say it will be better, could even get worse.
You just have to know when to walk away..............JCOG
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