Monday, 2 November 2015

Kill it, Bury it, and Amen.

Have you found yourself longing for things you do not truly need?
Caught up in the sea of longings but knowing that those feelings have no true substance.
When you have what you need but long for want what you do not have.

When the tables turn and is seems like you desperately want it more than another. Kill it.

When it feels like you could do and say anything to get this stuff but deep inside you know it ain't good for you. Kill it.

When I feel cheap inside cause of things I've thought of, but haven't even done then its time to Kill it.

When the prize is not worth the trouble effort needed to prepare for the race. Kill it

When I know the guilt of what I have done will forever cast a shadow over my life, then I Kill it
When my curious mind and overexcited sense buds badly wanna give it a try, but my heart screams No, that's good enough reason to Kill it before it Kills me.

I look around me and I see and read stories of what and how secret desires and selfish longings have wrecked the lives of many.
I look to the past, I look to the future and I know that I am better than this. Nothing and no one will bring me down.
I say to myself just as I say to you when those cravings seem overwhelming and you are at the brink of giving in, just a try.  

Kill it- Say an affirmative No to it, block off every avenue (persons or things) that triggers those unhealthy thoughts. Move away from any situation that serves as a reminder of what could have been.

Bury it- Immerse yourself in healthier passions (routines that are truly good for you),try something new, go to church, reach out to God, replace negativity with positivity.

Heal - Stop moping around, we understand your sensitivity during this period of denial but allow yourself heal. Take a vacation, change your scenery, make the effort to appreciate the things you have, things that you truly need.

And finally get on with the beauty of life that you are. Amen.......................JCOG

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