Thursday, 28 July 2016


Image result for disappointment

The shame of disappointment
knowing how much you just hurt your family and loved ones
People that you truly cared about, who believed and trusted in your capabilities
You let them, yourself and most importantly your maker down.

Yes your words, and actions was a shock and huge disappointment.
You see the anxiety, the pain, and uncertainty in the eyes of the ones that trusted you.
These ones you have to work hard to regain their trust.
You also confirmed the suspicions of those that have initially doubted your sincerity.

You sense the condemnation, tactical withdrawal and negativity in their words.
These ones you may choose to avoid, they never believed in you in the first place

But the emotional damage inflicted on yourself, that you cannot run away from
You try to sleep at night but you cannot shut your mind out
Out of how you could have handled the situation differently
Out of the poor decisions you made
And the lies you told to cover up those mistakes

True repentance however ushers in peace
Confession tackles regret
Counseling handles the guilt
Restitution helps displace shame
Charity takes away the pain
And let Faith substitute for self doubt

Healing will eventually come
as you retrace your steps and get back on your path of destiny

Do not give in to shame, fear and defeat
Remember, Psalm 121:4
Behold, he that keepeth Isreal shall neither slumber nor sleep.

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